Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

2023-10 PCL Letter to the community
All the volunteers who strive to maintain and enrich PRAIRIE COMMUNITY LIBRARY wholeheartedly thank our gracious community for all your ongoing support.  Though we have only been closed since September 28, we miss the Tuesday morning Children’s Hour and all our other young-at-heart patrons. 
Due to the recent extensive water damage to the Community Hall, we are compelled to remove all Library property from our current location in the basement of the Hall.  Construction necessary to correct all hazardous conditions is expected to begin towards the end of October, and construction workers probably know how long that will take.  When that phase is completed, cosmetic reconstruction will be necessary before we can begin to return the shelving and other integral parts of what has been Library space for the last twelve years.  We are hopeful that those integral parts will still be useable after being disassembled and removed.  With the profusion of construction happening currently, we can only hope that there will be minimal delays finding the workforce to shorten the length of time that the Library will be closed. 
We wish to thank all our loyal patrons for your patient cooperation with our challenges.  We do not yet know where we will be storing our “sleeping Library” until all the construction is done but we must soon find that storage space and when we do, we would be most grateful for any and all groups who seek opportunities for community service as we work to box up Library books and other items and move them to their temporary quarters.  Many thanks to all our faithful supporters for all you do to make our community a better place for us all. 
To volunteer, please call 208-962-3714 and leave a message; or you may email Emmett Wilson, Colleen Wilson, Kathleen Steinke or the Library at cottonwoodlib@gmail.com.
Staff and Board of Directors of Prairie Community Library, Inc., K. Steinke, Secretary  























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