School Board meets
The school board held their October meeting Monday, Oct. 16.
They approved certifying Gus Hoene and Tara Klapprich as trustees as they were the only candidates to apply for their positions. There will be no election needed. A motion was pass to approved safety busing. This is something the state requires when you bus students within a certain perimeter of a school. This allows buses to pick up in town children at the Hangout and the Auxiliary Gym. A policy update was approved upon the third reading. Regarding policy 3380 regarding discipline, the board decided it needed to be reworded to make the policy and the handbook cohesive. It was tabled until the next meeting. A change was also approved to Policy 7430 regarding per diem rates for employees on school business out of town. Hoene made a motion to change the per diem to $10 for breakfast, $15 for lunch and $20 for dinner with a max of $45 for a day and to delete the last sentence of the first paragraph. It was passed. In reports, Jon Rehder reported they had their first assembly Sept. 29. Students in grades K-3 have completed their second iStation test for the year. Prairie Elementary made it in the top 10 for the state in proficiency in the Math ISAT from last Spring. A handful of 6th graders signed up to be morning greeters. They meet students and parents in the morning when they come to school. A Veteran’s Day assembly is set for Friday, Nov. 10. The Christmas concert is currently set for Friday, Dec. 15. In the facility report Rehder noted the addition is nearing completion. They hope to move in sometime in November. Rick Forsmann removed the auger that used to feed pellets into the boiler at the high school and also removed recycle bins. He also fixed the skylight to the boiler room that had some broken windows. He tinned half and had Clarkston Glass take care of the other half. Forsmann is also working on landscaping for the new addition. Chain link fence was installed on the north side that goes into the K-1 recess area. The plan is to get grass seeded this fall for the spring. He will also eventually update the sprinklers. In his superintendent’s report Rehder said they are working with the Moscow School District to bring in Michael DeLeon as a guest speaker with his Steered Straight program. A community engagement for parents only will be Dec. 13 with DeLeon presenting at the two school buildings on Dec. 14. The district is still in need of bus drivers and people willing to be trained as a sub driver, route driver or activity driver. Rehder said he is working on getting his passenger and school bus endorsements so he can drive bus if needed. Matt Elven reported a junior high drug free party was held Sept. 28. The PSAT is set for October 10 with 35 sophomores and 2 juniors planning on taking it. Represents from the U of I and LCSC visited the school last week. They had 40 donors at the fall blood drive on Oct. 12. Senior nights were held for volleyball, football, cross country and cheerleading. They had 5 football seniors, 3 volleyball, 2 cross country and 2 cheerleaders honored. Senior project presentations start Oct. 18 with 15 junior and senior students presenting on that day. Driver’s ed has two fall classes scheduled with Eric Coffelt covering the driving portion. October has 4 students and November had 8 students. He also reported they have the algebra and geometry IDLA classes covered by a substitute for Casey Metz while she is gone. Elven said he is teaching the dual credit economics class to ensure their dual credit status is maintained. The board adjourned to an executive session and eventually adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. |
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