Prairie Veterans Day program photos

Prairie Student Body president Taylor Riener gives opening remarks at the Veterans Day Assembly.

Dale McElroy, awards chairman for VFW Post 4902, talks about the Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy contests.

Hanna Schwartz, a Prairie student, was this year's Voice of Democracy winner and gives her winning speech.
Another Prairie student winner was Jaylin Johnson, who finished in 3rd place in the Patriot's Pen competition. This year's other winners were St. John Bosco students.

The Department of Corrections Color Guard posted the flags at the start of the assembly. Each member of the color guard is also a veteran.
VFW Awards Dinner photos

Greg Nau, top photo, and Joe Riener each received their 15 year pin. Pins awarded for those not in attendance include a 60-year pin for Fred Seubert and a 35-year pin for Pat Uhlenkott.

Department of Idaho Sr. Vice Commander Joe Riener gave a speech at the VFW awards dinner.

The Prisoner of War-Missing in Action table is always featured at the VFW awards dinner. Each item on the table carries special significance as veterans remember their missing comrades.


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