To the Library and Beyond December is another busy month. Let’s be sure we make time to read a new book this month. This is also a month for learning a foreign language. Studying a little about foreign languages can immensely enhance our understanding of our American-English language. If you haven’t already written all your Christmas cards, December is “Write To A Friend Month” and December 7 is “Letter Writing Day”! We also remember, “seventh day of each December” is Pearl Harbor Day. Meanwhile, the week of December 6-12 is “Computer Science Education Week.” Learning more about computer science would certainly benefit all of us. The volunteers who manage the Library would like to learn your opinions. What can we do to improve the depth and breadth of products and services we offer? This is an important consideration as we continue developing the Library as a sustainable service to residents of the surrounding area and adapting to community needs as they arise. We look forward to welcoming more dedicated volunteers who will be able to spend an hour or two each week learning more about the Library and sharing your many talents. At this time Library volunteers are hoping to move back to their previous location in four to six months. We hope that the free libraries around town are satisfying your reading needs for now. Colleen Wilson has been posting updates to the Library Facebook account. We continue urging all patrons who have books and other items checked out from the Library to please deposit them in the white metal Book Drop box at the back of the Community Hall building – at the north end. We check it every week and update the Library database as well. |