Jeff Martin named Father of the Year
To My Dad
If I’m being honest this might be the hardest essay to write, not because I don’t know what to write, but because I don’t know how to get out everything I want to say to you.
Dad, you are the person I look up to, you are my listener, you make me laugh, you held me when I cried, and most of all you showed me what unconditional love looks like. I can’t tell you how lucky I am to have someone in my life who looks after me as much as you do. You have always been my rock. When I would be upset that I wouldn’t get into the Missoula Children's Theater plays, you would make me laugh and ask me if you needed to go beat someone up. I would purposely pretend to be asleep in the car when we got home when I was little because I liked it when you would carry me inside. I liked it when you put me up on your shoulders because there is no place higher than sitting up there. I liked it when I would walk downstairs in a crop top and you told me those aren’t real clothes. I love a lot of memories I have with you, and I can’t wait for the many more to come. I can’t wait for you to watch me accomplish my dreams, walk me down the aisle, and one day hold my children. I hope that one day I can be as kind, calm, and caring as you. I want my own family to know how much I love them like I know how much you love us. You aren’t just my Dad, you’re my coach, teacher, and my hero. I’ve learned a lot from you, like how to tie a hook, how to change my blinker bulb, how to put in a new toilet, how to slide into home (well I’m still working on that one) but most importantly how to value myself.
A quote by Gregory E Lang says, “ A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men”. Thanks to you I know exactly who I want to be, and who I want to be around me. I want someone to love me the way I know you do. Dad, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. I know you go through a lot and always put on a brave face for us, but I want you to always remember that I got your back just like I know that you always have mine. I know I’m not a little girl anymore, but through all these years I have looked up to you and I will continue looking up to you, because sometimes life's hard, and there’s no one I would rather have in my corner than you. I might be biased when I say this but if anyone deserves a Father of the Year award it’s you, you’ll always have my vote. I love you Dad and I always will.
Ember Martin
3 December 2023

Ember and Jeff Martin after Jeff was awarded Father of the Year at Daddy Date Night. Above the photo is Ember's winning essay. Photo by Tara Rowland.

Above are more photos from Prairie League's Daddy Date Night. Apparently the theme was to dress up in your favorite football team's colors. Photos by Tara Rowland.