to the editor from this week's Chronicle To the Editor In response to Shelly Dumas' letter in last week's Idaho Free Press, I have this to say. I do not gloat over the defeat of the Levy, though I voted against it, because I love kids and want to see them properly educated, as we all do. However, I sent my kids to private school and cost the taxpayer not a single dime to give them a far superior education than the baseline that is public education. I also spend much of my time teaching kids in the schools Chess as "The Chess Guy" but have found it difficult to teach in the public schools - there seems to be no priority there. Private and religious schools, on the other hand, seem to love me as do their kids. And look how they are flourishing these days as parents flee the demonically influenced pornography and sexual gender confusion along with the eradication of parental supervision. Just drive by St. John Bosco Academy in Cottonwood - new buildings, kids full of joy, active parents and teachers working to fund-raise the money not handed to them by collective theft at the point of a gun. I must ask you Shelly, do you have a financial interest in the levy? Are you a teacher or benefiting in some way from the taxing of many people that do not directly benefit from the tax? We don't hate you but there is simply too much wrong to support such a system. A friend of mine that drives public school buses also voted against the Levy due to his first hand knowledge of waste and fraud. Yes he voted to cut his own funding because it IS THAT BAD. The state is constitutionally required to provide funding for the schools and judges have ruled that the legislature has not been doing its job. Clearly a new bus a day does not keep the taxes away. The only people who can properly be given responsibility for spending money are those that have earned it. Sandy (Sanford) Staab Kooskia