The Kindergarten and 1st grade teachers at Prairie Elementary shared the letters to Santa Claus written by their students. From Mrs. Frei’s
Dear, Santa Why do you live in the north pole? How do reindeers fly? Our elf is crazy! And he’s coloring on our pictures! How is Rudolph doing? And can I have a banana. Love, Wyatt Johnson Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Why do you live in the North Pole? What are all your elves' names? How does your sleigh fly? Do you live in a cabin? Do you have parents? For Christmas I want every logging truck, toy reindeer,and celebration with friends. Love, Kolt Holthaus Dear Santa, How is Mrs.Claus doing? How do your reindeer fly? This year I want a hoverboard. I want for my Dad a wallet. I want for my Mom is a new phone. I want for my brother is lego set. Love: Isabell Miller Dear Santa, How old are you santa? What are your favorite cookies? When are elves going to be at my house? I like how you bring us prisons to us? How do your reindeer fly? Can I have v-bucks for fortnite? Can I have a spiderman cape? Fortnite scene card? A toy nerf gun? Love, Ivan Lockett Dear Santa, Why do you live in the North pole? Why does Rudolph have a red nose?How do the reindeer fly? For Christmas I want a shirt that has a big present on it. I want a RC truck for Dustin. I want a reindeer stuffie for Jaxon.For my mom I want bath bombs. For my dad I Want a Christmas shirt with Santa on it. Love Claire Turnbull Dear, Santa Claus Why do you live in the North Pole? I would like to have orbeez. I have orbeez. How do reindeer fly? Thank you for all the presents. Love, Beau Blake Dear Santa, How are you doing? Why do you live in the north pole? Santa, I want a reindeer stuffy for Christmas. I also want some orbies. My favorite reindeer is Rudolph. Please get my mom a shirt with a reindeer on it, and Get my dad a shirt with a candy cane on it. Love, Daycee Williams Dear Santa, Why do you live in the North Pole? How does your reindeer fly? Two things I want for Christmas are orbeez and a panda stuffie. Love, McKenzie Martin. Dear Santa, My name is Makennah. I like your reindeer. I like your elves too. I also like that your elves work for you. How do your reindeer fly? Do your elves fly? I want a rainbow high doll. I want a mermaid that can change colors in water. I like my mom, papa, and brother. I want a barbie set and frozen set. Love, Makennah Morelock Dear Santa, I’m Emree Lustig. How are you doing? Why do you live in the North Pole? How do your reindeer fly? Oh by the way I want nail polish , a hoverboard , a dog ,and a baby doll school. Love, Emree Lustig Dear Santa, How much reindeer do you have? And I want a monster truck for Christmas and my mom wants a camouflage truck and my dad wants a camouflage truck too and Gunner wants legos. And that’s it. Santa is it 50 reindeer. I only know Comet, Dasher and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and that’s it. Love, Jaxson Hankerson Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? How many reindeers do you have? Can I have a seashell that is real out of the ocean? Thank you for the presents. Is it okay if I can have a kitchen that is a toy one please? Love, Rosa van Houten Dear Santa, How many elfs do you have? Santa how old are you? What color is your sled? What I want for Christmas is a watch and a roblox set. Also, I want a switch lego monster truck and toy Titanic switch game.See you at Christmas. Have a good Christmas! Love, Bensen Heitman Dear Santa, Santa, how does your reindeer fly? And how many elfs do you have? Santa I want for Christmas is a gumball machine. Santa, are you reel? Santa I also want is a nerf gun. Santa, I love you! Love, Trigger Riener Dear Santa, How Many elves do you have? What Kage wants for Christmas is baby toys and what I want for Christmas is a toy guinea pig with a cage. How much reindeer do you have? Thank you for giving us presents. Love, Swayzee Forsmann Dear Santa, I like your white beard.I want a rodolf shirt. I want A dasher shirt for my sister. For my other sister I want a rodolf shirt. How many elfs do you have? And I want a joggle joggle snowflake and when is she going to get here? Love, Kyndal Coppernoll Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? How many reindeer do you have? I like your beard. My brother wants a lot of dianasaurs. I want one raibow with one unicorn and one alicorn.My mom wants a vase. I want a stuffed animal lion with a cage. Love Victoria Hills Dear Santa, How many reindeers do you have? Your sled is so shiny. I want a monster truck. And army trucks. And awful toy pickups. Have a merry Christmas Santa! Love Bridger Schmidt Dear Santa. How many elves do you have? How do you fly in your sled? I want a puppy. My mom wants a necklace. I want more kid makeup. Love, Brynlie Lockett Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? How many reindeer do you have? How old are you and Mrs. Claus. How do you land on houses? I want a ATAT walker. I like your reindeer. Love, Javier Hernandez Dear Santa, What cookies do you like? How many elves do you have? How many reindeers do you have? I want a unicorn and my little sister wants a walking horse. I hope our house is built before Santa comes. Love, Louise Forsmann Dear Santa, Can I get a jeep? And a stuffed animal kitty? Thank you for bringing stuff to our house. Love, Ember Treib Dear Santa, I want for Christmas drums. I hope you are real. And thank you for joining us for Christmas. I hope you come! You are really nice for bringing presents. You are gonna bring them right, Santa! And I have Superkids with Mrs. Frei. Love, Ryleigh Ramires Mrs. Hernandez 1st grade letters
Dear Santa,
I want an American girl doll, Barbie dream doll house, a Rc car, phone, Barbie girl, computer, high heels, why do you come from the chimney where the north pole is? Aubrey Westhoff Dear Santa, Hi my name is Jackson Ross and I would like a T-Rex,toy 2000 V-bucks and a nearfguns with 5,000 bullets to go with the Nearfguns and a Fortnight skin and a Ranegradrader. From, Jackson Ross Dear Santa I want an iPhone 13 and an iPhone 14 and a toy truck that I can hop into. Can I have a football and a soccer ball? I also want a Hawkeye Avengers toy and a bow and arrow. Is there such a thing as baby elfs? Am I on the naughty list? Sincerely, Vincent Poxleitner Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a football jersey, football, football cleats, T.V with a remote, tape, a toy dirt bike, Captain America costume, Antman costume, Avengers tower, and snacks for my desk. I also have a few questions. What is your favorite reindeer? Am I on the naughty list? How many elves do you have? Thank you. From, Matt Nuxoll Dear Santa, I wunt a barby castle and a laptop I also want a new pair of skies. Can I have one of your reindeer? From, Blakelynn Holthaus Dear Santa, I want an iphone 14 pro and a tablet, a hamster, a monkey, 100 squish melows, 1000 dollars,1000 chocolate. How is all the reindeer? That is all I want thank you santa have a good christmas. ,Love Hailey Trombetta Dear Santa, I want a Hot Wheel and cars, more stuff animals. And something else,and a T.V. Where are your randiers? I also want another baby spot. Love, Reagan Curry Dear santa, I want a RC snake and a RC pickup for christmas thank you santa. Sincerely, Maverick Dear Santa I relle want a airsoft pistol and fishing pole santa. Do you bring roodof in pepls house? From, Stanley Rehder Dear Santa, I wunt a puppy and a cow and a chick and a hamster and a parit. Do you bring the reindeer into the house? From, Shaelyn Lerandeau Dear Santa, I want a stuffed animal cheetah that is fluffy and soft for christmas. Also Santa I want a soft sweater that has cheetah spots all over it. Also I would love it if you could get me a pink Santa hat that keeps me nice and warm. Also if you could manage I would want a medium sized snowman christmas decoration to put in my room. Also Santa I have a few questions, Could I see you in real life? And Santa could I pet one of your reindeer? Because I want to know if they're soft. Thank you Santa you're the best Santa ever. From, Lanorra Blake Dear Santa I want a dirt bike, a cool pickup, a voice changer, a cool toy four wheeler, a soft airgun, and an Xbox. Thank you Santa. From Jude Kennedy. Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a diary, Princess toys, new horse toys, cow toys, super kids dolls, new bead set, new books, and a new makeup kit. The first question I have is do you help make toys? The other question I have is do the reindeer come into the house? From, Holley Cochran Der santu I wunt a rc car. do you brengrodof with you? do you brengrodof in miy haws? and I wunt a hot weel set. from, Randal Becker Dear Santa Can you give me a smart watch and a black and green lego truck? Am I on the bad list or the good list? How many elks do you have at the North Pole? Sincerely, Daxton Heitman DearSanta, I want a dirt bike, and a Pet the cat book for christmas. Also Santa, how many elf do you have? Also am I on the good list or the bad list? Thank you for making me toys for all these years. From Logan Tribe. Dear Santa, I want an elf on the shelf, I also want a baby doll that cries that is also heavy, and I want a smelly stuffed animal keychain for Christmas. Now I’m going to ask you some questions, I was wondering if I could have a picture of your reindeer. From Elise Hasenoehrl Mrs. Sowa’s 1st Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? Can I please have an xbox? Sincerely, Anthony Nicolas Dear santa, Have your elves been good? How many presents do you have? How has Mr. Cluse been? How have the reindeer been? I would appreciate it if you sent me some of the gifts on my list. A shark that can swim in the water, Please. Can I also have a baby cat? Can I please have a motorcycle transformer? Could you also give my sister a pony? Could you please get a soft blanket for me and one for my mom and dad? Sincerely, Warren Van Loon Dear Santa, How have your reindeer been, good or bad? So now for my list I want to ask you if you can bring me the stuff I am asking for Christmas, a yoshi plushy, sunglasses, something for my mom, something for my dad, a safe to put my stuff in, like toys, and a tablet. Sincerely Cieran Tacke Dear Santa, How is Rudolph and Comet doing? How is Mrs. Claus doing? For Christmas I want a baby rabbit, a baby goat, furabley pink shirt and furabley black pants, a pink fake phone with a flash, 5 LOL surprise dolls, a music box, pink socks with Santa and Mrs. Claus on them, a dancing toy that copies your voice, dark pink boots, recolorable dolls,and a sit on bouncy yoga ball with a handle.❤ Love you Santa, Mrs. Claus, and all of the reindeer including Rudolph. LOVE, KAPRI DOWNING Dear santa, How are you doing in the north pole? For christmas, I would like some pokemon cards. I would also like some fly guy books, and bakugan. -Sincerely Elijah Ratcliff Dear Santa Clause, How are your reindeer doing? How are you doing? For Christmas I want Fly Guy books and a tablet. Sincerely Moses Uhlenkott Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike collection in a box, I also want legos, a AC car ninja kids mystery ball, a collection of toy cars, army jets, a magic fox, a turtle, a toy tull box. How did you find your elfs? How do the reindeer fly? How are your reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Your friend, Colin Sprute Dear Santa, I want a nintendo switch, legoninjago set, a yoyo, and a dinosaur nerf gun. How is Mrs. Claws doing, how are your randeer doing, how are your elfs doing, how are you doing. Love, Maddox Behler Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? Can you please get me a doll? I also want an orange kitten please. For my brother I would like a bouncy-ball chair. Thank you Santa! How is Mrs. Claus? Love, Paisleigh Underwood Dear Santa, I want legos to make you santa, a nerf gun, and a baby goat. How do your reindeer fly? Sincerely, Trey Chandler Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a pair of baby doll clothes, lol dolls, omg dolls, lol house, legos, purple camara, and a purple water bottle with a princess on it. How are the elfs doing and the reindeer doing? I really want chocolate balls, Christmas books, new pink shoes, and alphabet puzzles. I also want the new paw patrol house and paw patrol. How are you doing at the north pole? Pictures of flowers. Made by Paige Ruzicka Dear Santa For Christmas this year I would like a nerf gun. I would also like an Iphone 15. I would really like 170 packs of bubble gum. I really want 10 flamethrowers. I want a house and a school. And a TV to watch with 111 reading buddies. A TV that stars on fire. A Nike pair of shoes. Where did you get all of your elves from? And where were you from? From, Bentley Scott Dear santa I want an Iphone 15 this year. I would really like 200 packs of bubble gum. I also would like a tent, computer, and a TV. Also a castle with a big chocolate bar. And 500 reading buddies to read with. A library with 500 books. Can you come to my house tonight? From, Kylee Bixby Dear santa, How are reindeer doing? How are you? Are the elfs being good? How is Mr. Culse? I would love it if you sent me the gifts on my list. Biscuit books A stuffed animal A soft blanket for my mom and one for me Some binkies for my baby brother And so tools for my dad Sincerely, Blair Johnson Dear Santa Claus, I am just wondering how are your reindeer are doing? How many presents do you make in a year? How far have your elves got on the presents? Santa, how old are you? I want 5 LOL dolls,a blue camera, a book, a calendar that counts down to Christmas for next year, a unicorn backpack, and a teddy bear that is as big as you are. From, Laura Nuxoll Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How do you find your elfs? I want an elf on a shelf that's a female. I want a life size chocolate reindeer. I want more chocolate! I want a RC car. I want 1,000,000 reading buddies. 1 more toy, and a dirt bike. The rarest car in the world is a rainbow with a bow on it. And finally I want a puppy that is eternally young. Love Paige Quintal Dear Santa, Hi, this is Tysen and I want to ask you these questions… - How is Ms. Clase doing? - How are you doing? - How are your reindeer doing? - How are your elves doing? - How are the presents going? And this is what I want for Christmas… - A truck and trailer - A stuffy elf - An electrical truck I can drive - A Cowboy you set Sincerely, Tysen Dear Santa, how did you find your elfs? I also want my kitten count back please.I also want kinetic sand. Your friend, Rebecca Riener |
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