New crosswalk signs demonstrated at Elementary students The Prairie Pirates were treated to a pedestrian and crosswalk safety assembly last week. Luke Hajda and Mark Pfeifer from the Idaho Transportation Dept., Kristi Holthaus from the Cottonwood City Council (the City of Cottonwood purchased these signs!), Pat Enneking, Hunter McWilliams, Dallas Paul, Keith Becker, and Mac Hankins from the City of Cottonwood brought the signs in and have since installed them at the intersection of East and Foster Streets. The students were shocked how big the signs were and had a great time asking and answering questions. Thanks to all of these individuals for coming in! Photos by Jon Rehder. Representatives from the Idaho Transportation Department and the City of Cottonwood did a demonstration of the new crosswalk safety signage that was recently installed at the intersection of Foster and East Streets.