Override levy set at $175,000
The school board set the override levy request for the 2024-25 school year at $175,000 at their March meeting Monday, March 18.
That will break down to $30,000 for technology, $55,000 for utilities, $16,000 for substitute pay, $36,000 for maintenance repairs/supplies, $12,000 for janitorial supplies and $26,000 for a speech and language parapro. This is $25,000 less than last year’s override levy. In other business Kenneth Cox was approved for hire as a bus driver. Vikki Riener was approved for hire as the junior high assistant track coach. It was approved to call for bids to enclose the breezeway between the Elementary cafeteria and K-1 building. Superintendent Jon Rehder said he had submitted a grant for $105,000 for this project. They would know by April 1 whether they receive that funding. Policy 3518, NARCAN, was discussed and approved. The June meeting was set as the budget hearing date. The date for that meeting was also moved up to Wednesday, June 12 at 7 p.m. In the reports Matt Elven reported that the Jr. High classrooms were completed on March 7 and they were able to resume classes on March 8 after they were refurbished. They received water damage in January. Mr. Mader and Mr. Martin took 39 sports history class students to Spokane to watch a Spokane Chiefs hockey game. State HOSA competition was March 5-7 with 9 students competing. 6 placed at State with 2 having qualified for nationals. Missoula Children’s Theatre’s production of Robin Hood was performed on Friday, March 8. They had 400 in attendance at the 1 p.m. show and 200 in attendance at the 7 p.m. show. The school earned $515 in the Idaho Lottery’s Scratch for Schools. Elven, Eric Coffelt and Roy Uhlenkott attended for Prairie Jr./Sr. High and tied with Nezperce for most tickets scratched. Elizabeth McLeod took 8 students to Kamiah to take part in a health car program sponsored by the U of I and ST. Mary’s Clinic. The Vitalant Blood drive was held March 14. They had 35 successful donors. They have 35 signed up for the spring drive to try and reach the goal of 60 to receive a $2,000 grant. Higher Education Day was March 15. Juniors participated with workshops presented by BSU, BYU, College of Idaho, ISU, LCSC, NIC and UI. Darbie Duclos was to take 13 math club students to the U of I on Monday, March 18 for all-day math competitions. The girls basketball awards banquet was held March 13 with the boys basketball banquet set for Monday, March 18. 38 students are currently signed up for Jr. High Track with Monday, March 18 as the first day of practice. 5 area teams participated in a Jr. High Girls Basketball tournament hosted by Prairie on Saturday, March 16. Rehder in his Elementary Principal report noted he met with the grades 3-5 teachers in regards to the first year implementation of the new ELA curriculum. They discussed the pros and cons. It was decided grades 3-4 would continue with the curriculum but 5th grade would work with the 6th grade. 5th graders completed hunter safety March 11-15. They all passed their exam and are certified. Morgan Deards from Idaho Fish & Game came in to teach the course. The 4th graders made a trip to the fish hatchery near Orofino on March 4. On March 1 the school held their R3 assembly as well as an ITD assembly to visit with students regarding the new crossing signs. Parent/Teacher conferences are set for March 19-20. There is no school this Friday, March 22 and Spring Break will be next week, March 25-29. The school is planning on offering a summer school again this year. Becky Higgins will head this up and they will compile numbers from feedback from teachers to determine the number of students and the staff needed. Dates would be June 25-27, July 1-3 and July 9-11. In the facilities report Rehder noted they are still working on window replacement at the high school. In his superintendent report he noted the following positions have been posted within the district: 2nd grade teacher High school librarian Administrative Assistant at the high school Bus drivers Head football coach. A nearby school district reached out to Dave Shears to possibly assist them in training a bus driver for them. Shears figures it would take about 15 hours of his time. He may do it on his own time on weekends and that district will pay him. The elementary school had Denise Uhlenkott, Becky Higgins and Rehder participating in the Idaho Lottery Scratch for Schools. They tied for second in most tickets scratched and made $467. The District will look at hiring summer help again this year. Rehder talked about the legislative topics still being discussed. They are still working on a facilities bill. The tax credit bill died in committee but he said is sounds like they are trying to bring another similar bill before the session ends. They are revising the gun bill. He said it sounds like they are making it more local control giving school districts discretion on what this looks like in their districts. The meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m. |