Whatsoever Things Are True
by Dan Coburn
Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church
The Squeaky Freezer. 
When I was a little kid, middle child of five, there was a season of our lives when a wonderful thing happened, every Wednesday night. A family friend who worked for a bread distributor, came to our house and delivered several boxes of "goodies".  There were fruit pies, twinkies, individually wrapped pastries, cinnamon rolls and my personal favorite, the six pack of little baby chocolate covered doughnuts. I to this day, have never understood if we were poor (don't remember being told that), or if he just gave them to us cause there were so many of us kids. He called these priceless treasures "day old", and thinking back to the crumbling - waxy taste, this was almost certainly an understatement.  Still, they had in common the single necessary ingredient - Sugar, so we were happy. More than happy, we were singular in focus w/regard to what was strategically located in The Squeaky Freezer. The "vault" was in the garage, and was big enough to store a small car. It required a hidden key to open, but we knew the secret location so it was game on except for the one security measure we couldn't get around, - The Squeaky Lid. There was many a midnight sortie with these goodies as the target, where in we would crank open a window bypassing the screen which had been removed earlier that day, sneak around the house (neighbor dogs parking), lift open the garage door, and then spend an equal amount of time slowly lifting the Squeaky Lid, so as not to wake our parents. How many times were we successful? None.  Was my mom frustrated? Yes. Was my dad angry? Yes. Neither so much over the goodies, as over our disobedience.  When caught, we would make lots of excuses like: "It was his idea", or  "I was hungry", but the fact is I just wanted the goodies. Combine that with the fact that I wasn't supposed to have them and they became irresistible. I wanted to blame everything and everyone else, but let's turn the
Spiritual Switch.   Do you remember "Geraldine" saying: "The devil made me do it"?  This is what we often say, but what does God say? "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death". James 1:13-15   Death in the bible means "separation".  When you die, your soul or spirit is separated from your body (first death) and when you sin, you are separated from God as with Adam and Eve. The above verses use pregnancy as an analogy. I am tempted "enticed" by my own lusts (desires). Then when my lust has conceived (gestated) it produces sin. Then when sin is "finished" or run its course, it brings forth (gives birth to) death (separation).  From my side of the pulpit, I never cease to be amazed at how we can willingly continue to sin, and then complain how God seems somehow far off.  We never sin in secret, the lid always squeaks.   God Bless.









































































































































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