Jr./Sr. High Concert
The Prairie Jr./Sr. High  Concert was held Tuesday, May 21.

The Prairie Jr./Sr. High School band at their Spring concert last Tuesday, May 21.

Tinley Hibbard performing a flute solo.

Tinley Hibbard and Alaina Lustig performed a flute and clarinet duet.

Jazmin Ove, the only graduating senior in the band this year, performed a piano solo.

Matthew Jones also performed a piano solo.

After the concert band director Isabella Baldwin posed with the band members. From left are Baldwin,, Jazmin Ove, Matthew Jones, Tinley Hibbard, Atley Deimler and Alaina Lustig. Unable to perform was Gabe Decaria.
Prairie Elementary Concert
The Prairie Elementary Spring Concert was held Friday, May 24.

The preschoolers opened the concert by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

The first graders.

The second graders.

The third graders.  For each son the first, second and third graders had students trade off to play the instruments at right.

The fourth graders playing their recorders.

The fifth grade band stood to acknowledge the crowd after performing.

The sixth grade band.






Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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