To the Library and Beyond
This week Joan read and reviewed the Jack Hanna book, “Monkeys On the Interstate,” published in 1989.  Mr. Hanna described his duties, and incidents that happened, while he was director of the Columbus Ohio Zoo.  Most of the accounts related in the book occurred in the late 1970s and 1980s at that zoo.  Mr. Hanna used a humorous tone to provide educational information as he wrapped the narratives in his book around many zoo animals including gorillas, chimpanzees, alligators, lions, rhinos hippos and elephants.  His stories carry the theme of preservation and protection of wild animals in their natural habitat and in zoos.  He examined the U.S. practice, during the early and mid-20th century, of housing zoo creatures in cages, and explained the advantageous transition to outdoor habitats for the animals.  He recalled details of some guest appearances with different animals on many television episodes of “Good Morning America,” “Late Show with David Letterman” and “Wild Kingdom.”  Joan observes that Mr. Hanna wrote the book to enlighten the public regarding the value of city zoos and wildlife conservation.  Joan states, “Throughout the book, Mr. Hanna stresses his love for animals and the need for wildlife conservation efforts in view of the continued threats – especially from poachers – to existing wild animal populations.”   
In August everyone in Idaho County is preparing for the County Fair which kicks off on Wednesday, August 21.  We celebrate Black Business while Library volunteers may review financial policies.  Wednesday, August 14 is Romance Awareness Day celebrating romance novels and romantic relationships. 
In 2022 Prairie Community Library greeted 543 children and 1,402 others; in 2021 librarians loaned 2,479 items.  The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library aspire to track meaningful statistics to guide Library policies.  
“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action.”
Send your volunteer message to  Volunteering provides a sense of purpose and helps improve emotional stability.”  Please recommend improvements to the Library’s direction, priorities and customer service.  Thank you all! 





































































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