Museum living history event is held Malak Davarpanagh portrayed Ladd Arnoti at the Living History event. He was chosen in part due to his own thick eastern European accent is very similar to Arnoti’s. He is standing in front of the museum’s display honoring Arnoti including the trunk all the family belongings were put in when they came to the U.S. Beth Forsmann portrayed Lee Morse, a nationally known singer who grew up in Kooskia. Mary Funke portrayed Sr. Radegunda Bischofberger, who was the last survivor of the original Swiss nuns that start The Monastery of St. Gertrude. Jody Davarpanagh portrays Gertrude Maxwell, a former teacher, principal, outfitter, guide, etc. from Elk City. She was famous as well for always wearing pink. Cody Uptmor portrayed a plane spotter from 1957. They were given photos of planes to look for and one of the stations was at the Grangeville Rodeo Grounds. They were put out of business when the radar station opened on Cottonwood Butte. The young man at left looks like he should have been part of the living history event as well. To Eier portrayed Sgt. John Ordway, a member of the Lewis-Clark Expedition. |