Splash pad hours set for 1 to 7 p.m.
The new splash pad at the City Park was a major topic of discussion at the August meeting of the Cottonwood City Council. The city has some limited numbers of the water use so far. The Park Moms group that spearheaded the project and did much of the fund raising appeared before the council with Chaelena Stubbers acting as spokesperson. They asked if it could be operated a little later each day as many parents work until 6. It was decided by the council to operate from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. each day until Labor Day. Parks and Recreation commissioner Linda Nida said she feels like they have enough in the budget to run it 6 hours per day based on the numbers provided. The Park Moms said they will still do fundraising to help keep it operating. Water Commissioner Gus Hoene asked if a dedicated fund could be created that people could donate into. The council indicated that if the budgeted funding runs out and there are no additional funds raised that it could be shut down for awhile. Prior to the regular meeting the council held public hearings on the budget and on the proposed new fees and a current fee increase. During the regular meeting the council voted to approve the FY 2025 budget. They also passed a resolution setting the pavilion rental fee at $100 for non-citizens. It is $50 for Cottonwood citizens. Also approved in the resolution were some sewer fee increases. One of $15 per month as part of a multi-year phase-in to meeting the bond requirements. Also the out-of-town sewer base rate was raised from $58.34 to an even $60. The Pavilion naming agreement with Cottonwood Community Federal Credit Union was approved. Proposed city code changes were discussed on camping, parking and storage containers. City attorney Joe Wright has provided a couple of proposed ordinances and is working on a third. The council tabled those until the next meeting so that they could review them. Discussion on the new Ironwood agreement and the proposed development at the former Elementary School grounds was tabled. The council approved a couple of agreements with JUB Engineering for the recoating of water tank #1 and for the proposed future replacement of well #5 pump and motor. The council also agreed to a proposal to have no smoking at the City Park. In correspondence Mayor Keith Holcomb read a letter from the Idaho County Commissioners saying there is money available from the federal government to help with installation of broadband Internet service. In reports Police Chief Terry Cochran reported several ongoing cases have been adjudicated. He also reported the Idaho Department of Lands provided a grant to upgrade the fire department radios. Cochran mentioned about open containers in the city park and city hall and Wright pointed out he may not have read that law correctly. Apparently it is only if the council approves them by resolution for something like a special event. Hoene reported the city pumped 6,143,400 gallons of water and sold 5,804,580 for a loss of 5.99%. Well #2 is back on line although some leaking valves need to be fixed. The splash pad was shut down for a couple of days when the water lines were chlorinated. Brett Miller reported they are not yet sprinkling the agriforest. They are having issues with the pH levels and algae. They have been doing some mulching. Kristine Holthaus reported chip sealing and BST on the street at the park has been done as well as striping for parking places. King Street will be one-way through the park for the Fair but will revert to 2-way afterwards until the RV dump is relocated. Once that is done it will be one way from the south edge of the park to Butler St. along King St. Linda Nide reported the park has been hydroseeded with new grass with fencing up to keep people off the new grass. The hand dryers have been installed in the new restrooms. They have received quotes for a couple of additional cameras at the park. There was a concert at the park last Thursday and the Dept. of Health also had a sun safety booth set up thanks to a grant. Nida reported the fire station roof will be worked on toward the end of August. They are also looking at new door openers. The fire department had 3 calls during the past month. The council has a special meeting set for Thursday, August 15 at 7 p.m. to address a resolution allowing open containers in the park during the VFW’s beer garden hours at the Fair.