To the Library and Beyond
Recent additions to the Library include Outlaw Valley by Max Brand, “An epic adventure”; Puss ‘n Cahoots by Rita Mae Brown, a Mrs. Murphy mystery; and The Red Hat Club Rides Again, a novel by Haywood Smith.  
This week, Joan’s review is Westering Women and the Frontier Experience 1800-1915, a history of women who settled the American West.  The author, Sandra L. Meyers, is a western historian, and her 1982 book describes many aspects of women’s settlement in the West.  Topics include women’s opinions of the wilderness, their observations of Native Americans, their journeys on the overland Western trails, building homes and homemaking on the frontier, founding towns and communities, their economic and entrepreneurial endeavors, and the women’s suffrage movements.  
This month we observe Children’s Magazine Month and TEENTOBER, a nation-wide celebration of teens to encourage them to discover what is new at their libraries and challenge them to achieve their goals.  Sunday 6 begins Mystery Series Week and National Newspaper Week.  Monday 7 we observe World Day Of Bullying Prevention.  Friday 11 we enjoy Myths and Legends Day.  
In 2018 Prairie Community Library served 2,023 people; during 2022 we loaned 1,518 children’s items.  The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library are committed to adaptability; we aspire to continuous enhancement of the library as a sustainable service to residents of the surrounding area, adapting to community needs as they arise.  We aspire to understanding and goodwill, knowing that "Great acts are made up of small deeds." 
Send your volunteer message to “Volunteering helps us gain new and valuable skills and develop a sense of community.”  Please recommend improvements to the Library’s direction, priorities and customer service.  Thank you all! 























































































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