To the Library and Beyond Colleen has added many books to the New Arrivals shelves; you need to see them to appreciate the variety. Joan has reviewed the 1979 best-selling book A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins. In 1973 Mr. Jenkins was a 21 year-old university graduate with a bachelor degree in fine arts, and painfully disillusioned with issues in the U.S. - principally the Vietnam War. He decided to learn about American people by walking across the country. In this first volume of his walk, he started in New York State and backpacked his way south with his dog Cooper. He walked through small towns and met many citizens in their own element. He sometimes stopped to work to finance his trek and enjoyed extended hospitality, staying with new friends in their homes. As he traveled, the author continually learned greater feelings of patriotism for America in response to the many gracious residents that he met and learned to know. He ended the first part of his walk in New Orleans. In November we are looking for more volunteers to lighten our load and to join the board of directors. “Volunteering helps us explore our interests and improves our self-esteem.” It is also National Life Writing Month and National Novel Writing Month. The last days of this week before Thanksgiving continue National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week, and we wish everyone a hearty happy Thanksgiving on Thursday. In 2021 Prairie Community Library served 2,075 patrons; in 2023 we loaned 2,171 items. The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library keep daily records of activities in the Library to help us serve you better. Send your volunteer message to "Service is what life is all about." Please recommend improvements to the Library’s direction, priorities and customer service. Thank you all! As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day we want to express our grateful thanks for your many thoughtful donations. We assure you that all your donations are deeply appreciated. | COTTONWOOD