St. John Bosco performs annual Nativity Play St. John Bosco Academy presented "The Miracle of the Roses" for their Nativity play on December 18th, which portrayed the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Students in all grades participated in the production. Shown above is the entire student body gathered onstage to sing following the performance. Photo by SJB Academy. Fourth Graders explained what type of tests scientists have performed on Juan Diego's tilma: Liam Stubbers, Weston Wassmuth, Tyler Nuxoll, Micah Hinds, Lucas Wimer and Johnny Duman. Photo by SJB. Juan Diego, played by Tommy Rose climbs Tepeyac Hill and sees a vision of Mary, played by Sarah Waters. Photo by SJB Academy. Second Grade students sing as girls from Mexico and the Wise Men: Rory Johnson, Khloe Ennking, Ruby Weckman, Maddie Bock, Maggie Bock, Hannah Hinds, Ava Prigge, Zane Stubbers, Cooper Frei and Levi Wimer. Photo by SJB Academy. Third Graders recited a poem about the artists who examined Juan Diego's tilma: Lucas Goodenough, Orlie Edmonds, Nash Johnson, Oliver Costa, Freddy Scribner and Gabe Spencer. Photo by SJB Academy from their Nativity Play. Bishop Zumarraga and his attendants fall to their knees as Juan Diego displays his tilma and flowers from Our Lady. Juan is played by Tommy Rose, Bishop is Simon Hagen, while attendants are Nathan Wassmuth and Connor Nuxoll. Photo by SJB Academy from their Nativity Play. Juan Diego tells the story of the birth of Jesus to native children, played by 5th & 6th grade. Photo by SJB Academy Henry Baldwin runs the lighting computer system from the upper box for St. John Bosco’s Nativity Play. Photo by SJB Academy. | COTTONWOOD