To the Library and Beyond
Joan and Frances want you to come in to the Library any Saturday [10-3] to chat while you enjoy the Library ambiance. 
In 1916-1917 northwest Colorado was a very out-of-the-way place.  Joan has reviewed the “very interesting” 2011 book Nothing Daunted – the Unexpected Education Of Two Society Girls In the West, by Dorothy Wickenden, whose grandmother was one of the main characters in this true story.  Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood were well-to-do society girls in New York when they were hired to teach in the small, remote town of Elkhead, Colorado.  The author relates how the two young women traveled across the country to the isolated location where they taught school one year to several kids ages six to 17.  These women taught in a stone schoolhouse that had been built at the top of a hill at the end of a trail; during winter, they all had to walk or ride horses through deep snow and very cold weather to reach the schoolhouse.  
Perhaps this month volunteers are developing various fund-raising activities for the Library.  Monday 20 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to celebrate “his vision of neighbors working together to build a better future.”  On Wednesday 22 take a photo of yourself with a library shelf forLibrary Shelfie Day”!  Fresh from the “statistician”: In 2024 from July to December, Prairie Community Library served 1,375 people.  We loaned a total of 1,745 items and more than 80% of those were children’s items.  Seventy-seven patrons acquired or extended their borrowing subscriptions.  Librarians added 355 items to the Library collection.  Story Hour “edu-tained” 278 children and 115 adults.  “Volunteering is at the very core of being human.”  The volunteers who manage and operate Prairie Community Library are committed to serving you, our community.  We may feel a certain pride in working here, but it’s all about you. 
Send your volunteer message to  Volunteering helps us celebrate our gifts by giving something back.”  Please recommend improvements to the Library’s direction, priorities and customer service.  Thank you all! 














































































































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