to the editor from this week's Chronicle To the Editor, If Idaho legislators honestly gave a hoot about our children, they would fund full-day kindergarten, support quality early childhood education, and provide childcare for working parents. These programs provide the stepping stones for early learning and have a positive effect on future learning. Additional funds for special needs children are also necessary. Finally, continued support of Medicaid Expansion so children can receive healthcare. Instead, Idaho legislators propose funding private school tuition and homeschooling. Current proposals range from capping spending this year at $50M to $250M. Allocations for each child range from $5,000 to $9,500. Proposals have either “wiggle room” income levels or none at. More than a third of Idaho counties do not have access to private schools yet expected to support urban private schools. With limited economic resources to pull from, bonds do not pass. Staff reductions and programs are eliminated. At the same time, people who can afford tuition are receiving tax credits or handsome checks. These millions of dollars come out of one bucket, state funds. In state after state, caps and income restrictions are lifted and that “capped at $250M” disappears. State funding of public schools decreases and funding responsibility passes to school districts and Idaho citizens. And yes, funding private schools and homeschooling has increased state deficits. Why not put this to Idaho voters as an initiative? This legislative group knows it would not pass. The ball is in your court. Accept funding two school systems or call your legislator today. Vickie Fadness Lewiston