Cottonwood City Council meets Amy Uptmor of JUB Engineers shared details of the updated sewer design project with the Cottonwood City Council at their March meeting Monday, March 10. Project cost estimates have risen to about $30 million due in part to inflation. She said they plan to go to bid for the irrigation portion of the project this year. Doing the irrigation portion before doing the storage lagoon portion gives the city a way to deal with the excess water while storage lagoons are built. The storage system and head works are projected for 2026 and the treatment system in 2027. Later in the meeting the council approved the new contract. A catering license was approved through Keuterville Pub, LLC for the YWCA Purse Auction which will be held in the Community Hall on April 5. An Arbor Day resolution was approved setting Arbor Day celebration for April 25. Parks and Recreation Commissioner Linda Nida said this is the second year of a 2 year cycle which gives the city an Arbor Day grant for trees. Resolution 2025-1, a Fair Housing Month Proclamation was approved by the Council. This is something they do every year. Cottonwood Community Cleanup was set for April 1 through June 30. A rolloff will be placed at the city shop during this time for yard waste. No house trash please. The FY 2024 audit was accepted by the council. In reports Police Chief Terry Cochran reported he is working on updating the school shooter response plan. He said he has also been working with the landowner near the top of the Keuterville Road Hill outside of town to cut back on some of the trees in an attempt to cut down the icing over of the road at the curve. There have been several crashes at that spot. He is also working on installing some signage behind the Hall to help the parking situation for Hall events. The City avoided flooding in the last storm thanks to the city crew helping keep blockages from forming in Cottonwood Creek. The City purchased a filled a bunch of sandbags in preparation. In the water report Gus Hoene noted they pumped 2,612,200 gallons of water and sold 2,216,246 for a 15.82% loss. Well #5 work was put out to bid. In the sewer report Brett Miller said they had reports of 3 private sewer line blockages. Pat Enneking reported the city crew has been pressure washing sidewalks and following with the street sweeper. They have received a couple of requests not to pressure wash sidewalks in front of some homes. Linda Nida reported the Cloninger’s/Simmons donation for the park has been transferred to the city account. She will reach out to the VFW, who were taking on refurbishing the canopied picnic tables as a project, if they would consider replacing the posts for the canopies. Nida also reported the fire department had just 1 call in March for a lift assist. The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, April 14 at 7 p.m. |