Cottonwood City Council meets The Cottonwood City Council held their February meeting Monday, Feb. 10 and approved an alcohol beverage license for An American Bar. Rick Johnson and Dave Frei of the VFW were in attendance and said they were looking for a project for the VFW’s Day of Service this year. They had decided to refurbish the remaining 2 covered picnic tables in the park and requested the city’s permission. The councilors thought it was a great idea. Parks Commissioner Linda Nida asked if they could paint them the same color as the ones in the Pavilion. In reports, Gus Hoene reported the city pumped 2,286,100 pumped and 1,883,798 gallons sold for a 13.84% loss during January. Brett Miller reported the city now owns the land for their new sewer system. It was reported by Mac Hankins of the city crew, that the new owner of the old hardware building behind Arnzen Drug on Broadway would like to get their sewer line relocated. He has had to unplug it several times in the past several months. The St. Lawrence Subdivision was discussed. Hankins said the excavator would like to get started in March. Amy Uptmor of JUB Engineers said there are still some processes that need to be done. The DEQ needs to approve the sewer line setup. Kristine Holthaus reported they have been plowing a lot of snow lately. She also reported she attended the West Camas Transportation group meeting where they were discussing the amount of material that will need to be ordered for street and road projects this year. Uptmor was asked about the streets and the wastewater project. She said they are still hoping to get in on the vetting review. Once that gets done things will move more rapidly. It is probably still 6 months to a year before things get moving. Nida reported we are coming up on the end of the 1 year warranty period for the Pavilion. If there are any issues that need taken care of to let the contractor know. Hankins said there is a door handle to the mechanical room that needs fixed or replaced. There was nothing new to report regarding the airport. Nida reported the Fire Department had 1 call regarding a dumpster fire on Cottonwood Butte Road. In other business Miller reported he had been contacted about concerns with access to the new houses in the subdivision. Especially on the Lewiston Street side with backing out of driveways onto a street that sees a lot of streetside parking in that area that limits views. They may want to look into some solutions. Uptmor thanked the city and city crew for their quick responses to questions the engineers have. She also said they are hoping to get the irrigation system at the new sewer plant going by fall. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 10 at 7 p.m. |