Fast-Track Grant season now open
We are excited to announce the opening of
the Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation’s Fast-Track Grant season
on March 1st, 2025. Last year, the Foundation awarded 51 Small
Fast-Track Grant awards totaling $390,855,” said Jen Magers, Trust and
Investment Officer, Idaho Trust Company, Trustee of the Foundation. The Fast-Track Grant is a quick turnaround grant between $2,500 and $10,000 that is awarded to support organizations and efforts that promote the health, wellness, or disease prevention of persons in the Foundation’s Service Area. The Foundation’s Service Area includes nine counties: Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce in Idaho; Asotin, Garfield and Whitman in Washington; and Wallowa in Oregon. Fast-Track grants are intended for small, health and wellness focused nonprofits with annual operating budgets of under $250,000 that are serving the most rural communities. Funds can be used to support programs and projects, capital expenses, capacity building, or general operating costs. Organizations can apply for one Fast-Track Grant per year per purpose. The Foundation’s Board of Community Advisors review the grant applications and make grant-award recommendations to the Trustee. Funds will be awarded on a monthly basis until the Fast-Track Grant funds are exhausted. The Fast-Track Grant application is available on the Foundation’s website. You can visit to learn more about the Foundation's Fast-Track Grant and apply. The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation was established in 2017 by Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden as part of the sale of St. Joseph Regional Medical Center by Ascension Health to RCCH Healthcare Partners. Idaho Trust Bank is the Trustee of the Foundation. The charitable purpose of the Foundation is to promote the health, wellness, or disease prevention of persons within the Foundation Service Area in a manner that respects the religious, ethical, and moral principles of the Roman Catholic Church and adheres to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. The Foundation is restricted to making grants to Qualified Organizations. Those eligible to apply for grants are defined as: (a) A charitable organization exempt under I.R.C.§501(c)(3); or (b) a governmental or public organization described in I.R.C. § 170(c)(1) (political subdivisions of a state or federal government) or I.R.C. § 511(a)(2)(B) (state colleges and universities), even if it is not described in I.R.C. §501(c)(3), provided that any grant to such governmental or public organization must be made exclusively for charitable purposes as described in I.R.C. § 170(c)(2)(B), subject to any additional limitations under 26C.F.R. § 53.4945-5(a)(4), or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws. All grant requests must be for health, wellness, or disease prevention and to promote the health, wellness, or disease prevention of persons within the Foundation Service Area to qualify. For more information on the Fast-Track grant, visit the Foundation’s website at | COTTONWOOD