Updated June 6, 2024
Primary election results
The Cottonwood School Override Levy passed with a 71% yes vote in the election held Tuesday, May 21. There were 426 yes votes and 171 no votes . . .
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From the Police Chief
On Friday, May 24, Cottonwood Police received notice of an abandoned vehicle, which CPD had reason to believe may have been stolen.  . . .
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Credit Union awards scholarships
The Cottonwood Community Federal Credit Union has announced the recipients of the five $2000 scholarships being awarded this spring. . . .
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To the Library and Beyond!
This week we would like to thank volunteers Jim Rehder, Molly Terhaar, Kari Holman and Bob  Daley for all their help putting the Library straight. . . .
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36 earn straight A's at Prairie
36 students earned straight A’s for the second semester of the 2023-24 school year at Prairie Jr./Sr. High School. . . .
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Prairie grads awarded scholarships
The Prairie High School class of 2024 were awarded quite a few scholarships to help pay for furthering their education. . . .
Also on this page are additional photos from the class of 2024 graduation. . . .

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Just for the Hill of It Bike Challenge is held
Syringa Hospice’s 29th Annual Just for the Hill of it Bike Challenge was Saturday, June 1.  Below are the results. . . .
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Idaho Farm Bureau to donate $250,000 toward new UI facility
Idaho Farm Bureau Federation will donate $250,000 toward University of Idaho’s new $14 million meat science facility. . . .
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Summer schedule at Nez Perce National Historical Park
Nez Perce National Historical Park began its summer schedule on Saturday, June 1. . . .
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Zephyrs to hold 'Old-Timers' Softball game
The Camas Prairie Zephyrs American Legion Baseball team will be hosting an "Old Timers" softball game in honor of our 25th season. . . .
Their season schedule is also on this page. . . .
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History of Sports Class awards
Travis Mader's History of Sports class gave out their competition awards. . . .
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St. John Bosco senior awards and scholarships listed
St. John Bosco Academy held their Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation on Saturday May 25th, with seven students earning diplomas.  Awards and scholarships were also announced. . . .
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Letters to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's print edition. . . .
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The St. John Bosco class of 2024 flip their tassels after receiving their diplomas. From left are Levi Wassmuth, Dustin Kaschmitter, Maleah Cummings, Noah Beckman, Stallone Hoene, Elijah Rauzi and Trent Walker. More photos from graduation on the St. John Bosco page below left.  Click on the photo for a larger view.

The valedictorian and salutatorian speakers. From top down are co-valedictorians Zane Uptmor and Sarah Lustig while co-valedictorian Taylor Riener and Salutatorian Ember Marting gave their speeches together. Click on each photo for a larger view.

Ryan Hasselstrom was the commencement speaker. Click on the photo for a larger view.

The Prairie Jr./Sr. High School band partnered up with the Central Idaho Orchestra to play the Processional and Recessional at Prairie's graduation. More photos from graduation are in the article about Prairie grads receiving scholarships. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Prairie Elementary Principal and School Superintendent Jon Rehder along with several Elementary School teachers took a pie in the face (actually whipped cream) to pay off a challenge to students who met improvement goals on their ISATS and other tests. This was at the Elementary Field Day last week. Photo by Megan Rambo. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Boys track and field plaque winners from left are Bennie Elven, Field Athlete; Trenton Lorentz, Running Athlete; Dylan Uhlenkott, Most Improved and Matt Wemhoff, Pirate Award.  Click on the photo for a larger view.
Girls track and field plaque winners are from left, Nadia Cash, Most Improved; Aubree Geis, Pirate Award; Sydney Shears, Running Athlete and Sage Elven, Field Athlete. Click on the photo for a larger view.

At the Prairie Track & Field awards night all the athletes who broke or helped break a school record and still held it at the end of the season were presented an award commemorating their achievement. Back from left are Noah Geis (4x100 and 4x200), Bennie Elven (discus), Dylan Uhlenkott (4x100, 4x200, 4x400), Trenton Lorentz (200, 400, 4x100, 4x200, 4x400), Cole Duclos (pole vault), Ben Secrest (4x100, 4x200, 4x400) and Matt Wemhoff (4x400, javelin). Front from left are Sydney Shears (800, 1600, medley), Hailey Hanson (javelin), Sierra Oliver (pole vault), Kennedy Riener (medley) Aubree Rehder (medley), Alli Geis (medley) and Sage Elven (discus). Click on the photo for a larger view.


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