Updated June 13, 2024
Cottonwood City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council voted to move ahead with roof repair of the Fire Station at their June meeting Monday, June 10. . . .
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Idaho County Farm Bureau awards scholarships
ane Uptmor, a Senior from Prairie High School in Cottonwood, and Levi Wassmuth, a Senior from Saint John Bosco Academy in Cottonwood, have each received a $2000 scholarship from the Idaho County Farm Bureau. . . .
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Blood Drive set for next Tuesday
Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. . . .
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To the Library and Beyond!
“Moving right along” the “Regulars” say grateful thanks to Bob Daley who is reassembling built-in shelves and the librarian office-surround with help from Chris Maestas. . . .
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Helicopter services aid in rescue
On June 7, 2024, at 8:42 AM, Idaho County Dispatch received a 911 call from a cell phone. . . .
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Crop Tour set for June 26
The Prairie Area Crop and Conservation Tour hosted by University of Idaho Extension and Lewis Soil Conservation District will be held on Wednesday, June 26th, starting at  8 a.m. at the Nezperce Legion Hall. . . .
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Class is in session for first year firefighters
Every year, first-year wildland firefighters are required to go through a week-long training, where they learn the basics of fire behavior, fire suppression, water handling techniques, and how to manage for safety. . . .
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Perrine is new Deputy Forest Supervisor
Heath Perrine of Challis, Idaho has accepted the position as Deputy Forest Supervisor on the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, effective June 16th. . . .
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Zephyrs win 3 of 4
The Camas Prairie Zephyrs won 3 of 4 games at Cottonwood to open their American Legion baseball season. . . .
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Prairie Elementary last day of school awards
On this page are photos of the award winners from the last day of school awards assembly at Prairie Elementary School. . . .
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The Tire Guy is adding a couple more service bays on the west end of the building. The photo above is from last Friday, June 7. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Joe Riener of Cottonwood was sworn in as the new VFW State Commander for the Department of Idaho by Bill Heyob, a past state commander and Riener’s boss. Riener’s sister Carrie Nygaard, who attended the ceremony with her husband Todd, got to place the new State Commander hat on her brother. Photos by David Frei. Click on each photo for a larger view.

A preliminary site plan for subdividing the old schoolyard property. Shown at the right and bottom are the current Auxiliary gym and the two apartment complexes remodeled from the old school buildings. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Shown are the local students who were state winners in the Knights of Columbus Hoop Shoot. Top photo from left are Elementary School winners from left, Hank Harman, Koyle Jones, Wyatt Schumacher, Kohen Forsmann and Bailey Schumacher. Photo by Megan Rambo. In the middle photo are junior high students Cooper Riener and Aubree Riener. In the bottom photo is freshman Kade Quintal. Lower two photos by Glenn Poxleitner. Click on each photo for a larger view.

Above is a rendering of the Simmons Sanitation proposed transfer station. It would be located on the south side of Cottonwood Butte Road between the Cottonwood Community Cemetery and US. Highway 95. Some area residents are concerned, especially those to the east that would be downwind. There are also concerns about it being located so close to the school and cemeteries as well as the impact on traffic. 
 Click on the photo for a larger view.


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